Attract your right-fit customers on auto-pilot and multiply your sales.

And the MOST extraordinary thing about this simple-to-use system is how quickly it works. 

Boutique event with Kim Walsh Phillips to launch your right fit message, market, monetization in this moment...
If you want to become THE go-to person in your market, THE number one choice for your prospects, THE obvious market leader who serves hard and sells easy…then this unprecedented opportunity at this unprecedented time is for you.
2 Day Rocket Launch Virtual Event
April 26 & 27, 2021


Unlock the formula to attracting your right-fit customers on auto-pilot and multiplying your sales. 

Social Proof for Instant Influencer Status

  • 5x Your Followers on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter
  • Ready to go posts and templates for engaging content daily
  • Plug and play influencer campaigns to attract your right-fit clients

Cider Offers

Ready-to-go lead generation campaigns to quickly grow your list with your right-fit clients

Always Make an Offer

Plug and play campaigns you can use right now

Instant Access to the Course and Plug and Play Templates

12 Months of Monthly Coaching and Q&A Calls 

“Yes! I want to Flip My Social Media Contacts into Customers…on Auto-pilot”

Plus, these crazy-pants bonuses...

Instant Influencer Kit

  • Facebook Live Success Secrets
  • Podcasting for Profits
  • Best-Selling Book Funnel to Instantly Push your Release to Bestselling Status 

Celebrity Posting Formula For Facebook and Instagram

Use The Exact Method I Used To Get Kevin O’Leary (aka “Mr. Wonderful” on ABC’s TV Show Shark Tank) 600% More Likes, Comments & Shares, So You Can Quickly Grow Your Online Following While Creating Die Hard Fans

Launch Academy Live Ticket 

“Yes! I want to Flip My Social Media Contacts into Customers…on Auto-pilot”

Ready to Deploy Templates, Checklists and Tools
to Get You Up and Running Immediately!

“Kim is the first marketer I have ever recommended to all of my Shark Tank investments and who I use for my personal business. She has my full endorsement.” 

– Kevin O’Leary

By now you're probably wondering

"How much does this cost?" 

A system like The KWP Social Selling Machine can cost $2,000 to $10,000 or more and NONE of them can hold a candle to this system.
But I have a big savings for you!

As I mentioned previously, the bonuses alone are worth over $9,764!

But right now you won’t even pay half of that. You can get up and running immediately for just 3 x $897.

So what’s my hidden motive? Why am I practically giving away this system?

The truth is that I’m more interested in gaining your trust and confidence and I know that once you get the results I expect you’ll get, then you’ll become a ‘raving-fan’ and walking proof of the greatness of this program.

Plus, I still make a nice little profit. So it’s really a win-win situation.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Get ready to get paid to serve others, to share your story to attract thousands, and to make money every single day doing what you love!

"Using the Social Selling Machine I did a workshop for my target market and in a two hour online event, I not only landed a $36,000 contract but I landed a book deal and three more speaking engagements. The blueprint works...follow it." 
– Bob Michie, MetroMSP, IT Consultant
"Celebration time! I just got the Facebook ad stats for our end of year holiday sale…we got a 19.4x ROI! This was our BEST YEAR EVER!" 
– Val Heart, The Real Dr. Doolittle
"There was so much peace and freedom in knowing exactly what we were supposed to do. This enabled us to launch without fear and generate $13,943 while growing our list in less than 30 days!"
– Lou & Tami Santini, Paradise Getaways
"​​Following Kim’s blueprint I was able to generate $327,094. Follow the blueprint!”
– Scott Whitaker, Membership Multipliers
“Just wanted to let you know I have over 100,000 fans since I started. This has landed me a book deal to co-author with Jack Canfield (from Chicken Soup For the Soul). Thank You!" 
– Bill Farrand, Winning With Notes
"Kim's program helped me tremendously to make my offers more appealing. It also makes the sales copy super-easy to implement. The "Machine" gives me the framework and support to easily set up and deploy a system. The process enables me to gather new leads while providing immediate value with sales on the front-end!"  
- Michael D'Almeida, Owner of 2 in 2 Weeks

    " This training was like beast mode for my business! I'm at 12k and counting AND signing new clients for $5,000 projects right off my fan page this week for the first time EVER! Has to be related to the credibility of having so many fans"
- Cynthia Schomp, Owner of Web Presence Boss

"Kim's course was able to bring me a lower-cost per attendee for my workshop than I was ever able to achieve before working with them. They even did better than my control of direct mail, which I thought was impossible!"  
- James Lange, Lange Financial

Facebook Live Bonus
with Justin Guarini

$1,997 Value

Social Selling Machine Rocket Launch

April 26 & 27, 2021
Boutique event with Kim Walsh Phillips to launch your right fit message, market, monetization in this moment...
  • Develop winning copy to attract your right-fit prospect
  • Unlock the secrets to growing your perfect audience of prospects ready to buy
  • ​Multiply your sales with cut and paste ready to go campaigns 
  • Free media formula to attract, engage and convert your sales
If you are thinking of joining and have some questions (yay, you!), here are a few frequently asked questions:
What if I find tech more intimidating than a bouncer at a Beyonce concert?

We got you boo. Tech CAN BE crazy hard, so we made it easy by giving you all of the templates and pages ready-to-launch. There is no tech to figure out. Just follow the blueprint. ‘Cause it works!  

Will I find templates for my (home services, consulting, retail, coaching, art, direct sales, Himalayan salt retreats on the third moon, etc.) niche?

We got examples for days…if there is a niche, we’ve seen it. But even better, you’ll get coaching calls with Kim to figure out your offer with you for your niche based on the over Billion Dollars she has generated online for her own business and clients.
What if the program is great…but I can’t do it. I’ve bought stuff before and it just sat there…what’s up then?

Hey, we get it. Timing and teacher have to be right to make things work. Let’s look at this way…did you ever not finish a prescription for a medication before. (Admit it, we’ve all done this.) And because you did that, would you not take a medicine in the future when you needed it?  Oh. Heck. No.  
You can’t hold up your future because of your past. That is not fair to your awesome self or the world and those you were created to serve. Today is not yesterday. It is new. And if you want new things to happen, you’ve got to do new things. 

Plus, we have your back. You have 14 days to try it and if it isn’t for you, you get a full refund.  

I’ve got more questions…can I talk to someone about my decision?  

Social Selling Machine Rocket Launch +
Social Selling Machine Course 

Three x $897

April 26 & 27, 2021